What is the perfect mix for fun and excitement? Just mix a Yamaha and add fun with a Baby Boomer and you will have the perfect mix of excitement. Baby Boomers are approaching their social security era so why in the earth do they want a Yamaha? Boomers are not like any of the previous groups of populace who have already approached sequestration. Boomers still want to continue to live their youth. They have the money to do so.
Yamahas offer entertainment, exhilaration, thrills, spills and also a place of class jealousy. Yamahas aren't low-price so these Yuppies want to buy one and flaunt their financial status. They aren't the quickest bikes or the easiest to ride but that isn't an issue for a Boomer. It is all about awareness. Yamaha motorcycles, Yamaha babes, Yamaha road trips are all part of the American delusion that brings together the Boomer with his Yamaha.
The name of the Yamahas seems to point us older folks to the younger crowd. Yamaha XS and YZ when I am ready to ride a Yamaha. Yamaha Royal and Roadster motorcycles bring up visions of the open road. Let's not forget the Yamaha jackets, sunglasses, riding pants and the hundreds of other must have Yamaha accessories. There is no question that Boomers may be getting old but they still want to have it all.
We even get pleasure from motorcycle auctions especially if there are some good buys on Yamahas. Shoot, we will even buy a Yamaha and just park it in the garage and wait for it to appreciate. Humorous think; it usually does.
We came of age watching biker movies, the beckoning call to Sturgis, and Hell Angels. When we sit down on that bike, we can't help have vision of being one of that "bad" but mistaken biker. We just recognize owning a Yamaha comes with Yamaha babes (at least that is our thought process). It is probably a legend but a boomer worth his salt is certainly not going to refute it. It is all about representation and the biker image.
Bottom-line, the fine folks over at Yamaha have cultivated this image of Yamaha motorcycle riders being a hard-hitting guy. This image has been converted in quite a successful profitable company that just keeps going on and on. Yamahas are the competition. They know it. If you ride one, you will know it.
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