Shrimps are available in a variety of forms. They are common, small invertebrates that can be encountered in nearly all marine ecosystems. Some species have adapted to living in freshwater. Shrimps are characterized by a semitransparent body flattened from side to side and a flexible abdomen that ends in a fanlike tail. Shrimps are among the most popular shellfishes in America. Shrimps are harvested when they weigh 40 grams or more. Tropical shrimps are usually much bigger than their Arctic counterparts and, in shops and on restaurant menus, are often called giant shrimps, king prawns or scampi. Shrimps and scampi can be pale pink, red, translucent with green or white tinge. The pink shrimp and the smooth pink shrimp are both similar in colouration, with both of them lacking bands or blotches on their legs. The smooth pink shrimp is very similar in size, colour, and body characteristics to the pink shrimp, but it lacks that particular spine or lobe on the curve of the abdomen. Crustaceans have a number of jointed legs, two pairs of antennae and may also have a pair of nippers. Shrimps mature initially as males in the first year, or in the second year.
Finding And Fishing Shrimps
Like fish, freshwater shrimps are found over a wide area. This is why their requirements differ depending on where they come from. Fishing is done by daylight down to a depth of around 20 metres, with drifts lasting from 15 minutes to two hours. They are located in the intertidal zone close to estuaries where they provide nurseries for fish, crabs and other creatures. The tropical shrimps that may end up on your plate are causing serious environmental problems in the tropics, in the form of devastated mangrove forests, ruined farmland, over-fishing, depleted ecosystems and heavy social and economic losses to the local population.
Nutritional Value Of Shrimps
Shrimps can be part of a healthy diet. They are low in fat and calories, can be boiled, fried or grilled.
Shrimps as well as prawns contain plenty omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are known to be good for your heallth. They are believed to help prevent against heart disease, circulatory diseases and many other types of illnesses.
Preparing Shrimps
To prepare shrimps pull off their legs. Then the shell can be removed easily. Legs are used for swimming in some shrimps, prawns and in many crabs. The first and second pair of tadpole shrimp legs differs from other legs by the four inner lobes. The shrimps are dumped into the boiler which consists of a large iron tank which nests inside of another tank. When the shrimps are cooked the inside tank is raised and tipped over by a tackle.
Prawns and Shrimps
Prawns and shrimps will only get the pinky white colour when they are boiled for eating. Prawns and shrimps must be stored in seawater with an aerator and will give the best results when they are still alive. Prawns as well as shrimps are also available cooked and fresh or cooked and frozen.
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