Photography in general is a very popular industry. There's the amateurs that shoot for fun, on up to the real professionals that shoot for more than just fun, but as a career. Working in the Photography field takes a certain kind of passion, in my opinion, than in other careers. With in Photography there seems to be two really large industries, Wedding Photography, and Fashion Photography.
Not only are these really popular careers but if you get in with the right company or use your services as a freelancer, this would be a great way to make extra money or make an actual income from it. If I was better at photographing people, this would definitely be my next big step. Unfortunately I prefer scenery and outdoorsy type photos instead of people.
Wedding photography in particular is a really well know type of service, I mean how many weddings are there in a one week period? Next time you get the paper look under the announcement section and see for yourself!
A Wedding Photographer usually charges per day and those fees usually amount to around $1,000-$5,000 per day. That actually doesn't seem that bad to me, If you really want a way to remember your wedding and be able to have extra things like a memory book or DVD or whatever other things they offer. Of course some Photographers charge less than this and others charge more than this. In the end, as well as with everything else in life, who you get and what you get depends on your own personal preference and what you can afford to spend.
There's this one site in particular I found online called DmitriMarkine and they specialize in Toronto Wedding Photography. It seems like a really neat website, very to the point. And there's lots of great information on their site about who they are and what they do. If your going to search online for Wedding Photographers this is the type of site you will want to look out for. Its very honest, and simple. And they also include prices, options, and most importantly a phone number so you can get in contact with them. And if the picture examples on the site belong to DmitriMarkine, then this would also be another thing you would want to look out for.
See if the site that your checking out either has pictures on the website that are theirs or they have a portfolio of some sort online. Usually when you do these kinds of businesses online, have it be photography, web design or home decorating services, they always provide some sort of a visual for you. If the site doesn't offer something like this, then its probably a good idea to move onto another site, unless of course you can call them and they have a portfolio available elsewhere, either online or offline.
Just remember a wedding is something you will cherish forever but that also doesn't mean you absolutely need to hire the first Wedding Photographer you see! Check them out, see if they have a guest book of some sort. Or check out your Sunday paper. They always have write ups about businesses in there.