Have you found yourself wanting to have a more relaxed holiday season? Here are some ideas to make for a time together with your family unforgettable!
#1. Start Planning Now!: The best way to promise yourself a smooth holiday is to begin planning as soon as is reasonably possible, which is sooner than you think! Start prior to the snow and the crowds. This will ensure that you can get the supplies or necessities you need without panic.
#2. Plan Your Menus Now!: This doesn't mean you have to begin cooking today, but at least know what you would like to serve people. Buy as many of the ingredients as possible, all the non-perishables. If possible, DO start cooking/baking those items that you can freeze until you need them. It will save you lots of grief later down the road.
#3. Decorate Outside While the Sun is Shining: Decorate Inside at least 2 to 3 weeks before your Holiday. This will give you time to enjoy all your hard work before its dismantled. Take your time and experiment on new ideas. You don't have to do the same trimming each year. Be creative! Expand your imagination!
#4. Create a Holiday Calendar: Get your day timer out and begin setting yourself a timeline. What are your priorities? What needs to be accomplished in what order? Be sure you write all of this down on paper. It will seem much less overwhelming and help you feel more in control of your time. Put important dates on a calendar so nothing is forgotten.
#5. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate: You do NOT have to do all of this by yourself. Involve others in the planning process and in the doing. It will make others feel needed and keeps you from feeling overwhelmed. Sharing the work also shares the joy and the celebration. Don't wait until they want to go to parties or ski or play in the snow. Involve them when they are free, which may mean planning!
#6. Share the Joy: Not everyone is as lucky as you are. Share what you can for those who may not be as blessed as you are. Share yourself, your food, your used clothing, your joy. Be generous with what you have and you will get it back ten-fold.
#7. Keep Expectations Reasonable: Everything doesn't have to be perfect. Everything doesn't have to be Just Right. No one would appreciate it even if it were. People want to visit, eat, share and enjoy each others company. This does not take perfection. Perfection can make some people uncomfortable. This is a time for you love and enjoy.
#8. Inform Your Loved Ones of Your Plans: Don't expect people to know what you have planned. They can't read your mind, nor do they read your notes. Have a BIG calendar out in an obvious place and verbally let people know the schedule. Ask them for their ideas and feedback and co-ordinate everyone's plans as much as possible. This is not a time for surprises!
#9. Take Care of Yourself: Don't forget to exercise, don't forget to sleep and even take a nap if you wish. This can be a very stressful time if you allow it to be. You are in charge of your stress level. Don't give it away to others. Self-care is a priority here. It's not selfish, it's necessary.
#10.Cherish, Love, Feel the Joy: Keep in mind that these Holidays are a celebration of love and joy. It is a time to share blessings and memories. Create traditions and memories that will live on. Bring pleasure and happiness to those important to you.
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